Certified Nursing Assistan CNA PDF EBOOK
The Certified Nursing Assistant Examination, referred to as the Exam, consists of both a written examination (the WE) and the clinical skills test (the CST). You must successfully pass both the WE and the CST to pass the certification examination. Specific details on both the WE and the CST, as well as tips on preparing
for each portion, follow.
The written examination (WE) is a computerized exam with a time limit, usually two hours. Test sites are regional or local, depending on the state jurisdiction. We recommend you follow the instructions given by the testing center without exception and arrive at least 30 minutes early or, if you’re traveling a long distance,
arrive a day early to locate the testing center and the most judicious travel route to avoid delays. Two forms of identification are often required, one of which is a picture ID. Because the testing environment is often kept cool, bring a sweater or light jacket for comfort. Remember to leave personal items (purses, cell phones, calculators, and so on) outside the testing areas. You will be furnished with testing materials as needed. Other helpful tips for a successful testing experience are as follows:
. Get a good night’s sleep.
. Don’t work the night before the examination.
. Avoid alcohol or excessive caffeine before the examination.
. Eat a light but well-balanced meal (protein, carbohydrates, and fats plus liquids) while studying and before the Exam. You (and your brain) need energy and maximum recall to be well prepared! Although heavy sugars give you an energy boost, avoid them because you might experience a sudden dip in blood sugar, causing fatigue and nausea. You might also become hungry later when you cannot eat, for example, when taking the
Exam. To avoid sudden dips in blood sugar bring protein snacks, such as dry roasted nuts or cheese rackers.
. Take your time with the test questions, but pace yourself to finish the examination within the allotted time.
. Read each question thoroughly and completely before selecting the best answer.
. Don’t panic if you are not familiar with a question. Remember the Testing Now Tips (TNTs) on your Cram Sheet.
. Believe in yourself; we do! You can succeed!
Passing scores for the WE vary from state to state. Expect to earn at least a 70% for a passing score. You might have to wait two to three days for results. If needed, follow directions for scheduling a repeat examination.
To successfully pass the Critical Skills Test (CST), you must earn a score of at least 70% while following each critical step with 100% accuracy. You should be given the opportunity to correct any missed checkpoints or other aspects of the skill during your performance; however, when you have finished a particular skill and progress to the next one, you will not be able to correct a mistake made on the previous one. If you need to repeat any portion of the CST, you’ll receive directions from the evaluator regarding subsequent testing opportunities according to each state’s testing guidelines. Some helpful tips for success on the CST are as follows:
. Practice, practice, practice!
. Follow each skill/procedure exactly as you learned them in your nurse aide program; this is not the time to improvise or take shortcuts!
. Follow safety standards and include them in your skill performance. This includes, but is not limited to, handwashing, handling of soiled items, and other safety precautions.
These are examples of indirect care standards that will be evaluated with each skill. For example, prior to performing a skill, you must actually use water and wash your hands; the evaluator will tell you after you’ve washed your hands correctly for the first time that you can tell him or her when you would wash your hands rather than actually washing them for each subsequent skill.
. Work confidently and efficiently; you must complete each procedure in a timely manner.
. Remember, the skills test is designed to measure your competency; you will not be given assistance by the evaluator except to remind you of time limitations related to the skill performance.
. Imagine getting the good news: You passed! Imagery is a powerful tool to encourage success.
Find a quiet location each day where you can concentrate and review your notes, textbooks,
CDs/DVDs, this review book, and any other helpful materials.
for each portion, follow.
The written examination (WE) is a computerized exam with a time limit, usually two hours. Test sites are regional or local, depending on the state jurisdiction. We recommend you follow the instructions given by the testing center without exception and arrive at least 30 minutes early or, if you’re traveling a long distance,
arrive a day early to locate the testing center and the most judicious travel route to avoid delays. Two forms of identification are often required, one of which is a picture ID. Because the testing environment is often kept cool, bring a sweater or light jacket for comfort. Remember to leave personal items (purses, cell phones, calculators, and so on) outside the testing areas. You will be furnished with testing materials as needed. Other helpful tips for a successful testing experience are as follows:
. Get a good night’s sleep.
. Don’t work the night before the examination.
. Avoid alcohol or excessive caffeine before the examination.
. Eat a light but well-balanced meal (protein, carbohydrates, and fats plus liquids) while studying and before the Exam. You (and your brain) need energy and maximum recall to be well prepared! Although heavy sugars give you an energy boost, avoid them because you might experience a sudden dip in blood sugar, causing fatigue and nausea. You might also become hungry later when you cannot eat, for example, when taking the
Exam. To avoid sudden dips in blood sugar bring protein snacks, such as dry roasted nuts or cheese rackers.
. Take your time with the test questions, but pace yourself to finish the examination within the allotted time.
. Read each question thoroughly and completely before selecting the best answer.
. Don’t panic if you are not familiar with a question. Remember the Testing Now Tips (TNTs) on your Cram Sheet.
. Believe in yourself; we do! You can succeed!
Passing scores for the WE vary from state to state. Expect to earn at least a 70% for a passing score. You might have to wait two to three days for results. If needed, follow directions for scheduling a repeat examination.
To successfully pass the Critical Skills Test (CST), you must earn a score of at least 70% while following each critical step with 100% accuracy. You should be given the opportunity to correct any missed checkpoints or other aspects of the skill during your performance; however, when you have finished a particular skill and progress to the next one, you will not be able to correct a mistake made on the previous one. If you need to repeat any portion of the CST, you’ll receive directions from the evaluator regarding subsequent testing opportunities according to each state’s testing guidelines. Some helpful tips for success on the CST are as follows:
. Practice, practice, practice!
. Follow each skill/procedure exactly as you learned them in your nurse aide program; this is not the time to improvise or take shortcuts!
. Follow safety standards and include them in your skill performance. This includes, but is not limited to, handwashing, handling of soiled items, and other safety precautions.
These are examples of indirect care standards that will be evaluated with each skill. For example, prior to performing a skill, you must actually use water and wash your hands; the evaluator will tell you after you’ve washed your hands correctly for the first time that you can tell him or her when you would wash your hands rather than actually washing them for each subsequent skill.
. Work confidently and efficiently; you must complete each procedure in a timely manner.
. Remember, the skills test is designed to measure your competency; you will not be given assistance by the evaluator except to remind you of time limitations related to the skill performance.
. Imagine getting the good news: You passed! Imagery is a powerful tool to encourage success.
Find a quiet location each day where you can concentrate and review your notes, textbooks,
CDs/DVDs, this review book, and any other helpful materials.